Add Text Box to PDF with the Best PDF Editor You Cannot Ignore We ensure that you can find a satisfactory solution and add a text box to the PDF standing on your head. If you haven’t downloaded Adobe Acrobat on your computer or feel that it is not fitting your needs, you should take a look at the simple methods we recommend below.

Fill out your text box anywhere and anytime.Add text fields, checkbox fields, dropdown fields, radio button fields, listbox fields and combo box fields to PDF in a breeze.Create forms fillable by adding text fields.Add text box to supplement contents easily.If you are an account admin, open the Admin console, click the hamburger menu, and go to Apps > Google Workspace > Drive and Docs > Templates to enable this feature for users.Cisdem PDFMaster Add Text Box to PDF? Pick the Best Editor! To resolve this issue, contact your account admin and ask them to enable this feature.

If your Google Workspace account is supported, but you still don't see the custom templates feature, it means your account admin has disabled this feature. You can check the complete list of supported accounts by visiting the Google Help Center page. The custom template feature is only available for Business Standard and Business Plus users, along with educational and non-profit accounts. Google Docs lets users create and upload custom templates, but not all users can use this feature.

So, let's find out how to create and use templates in Google Docs. If you aren't using Google Docs templates, you are missing out on an essential Google Docs feature. So, whether you use Google Docs on your laptop, Android smartphone, or one of the shiny new Chromebooks, you can use this feature to improve your workflow. The best part is that once you add a template, you can use it from any device. Custom templates save you time from repeatedly creating the same document and decrease your chance of making mistakes. Google Docs also allows you to create and add your own templates.