The following are two narrations regarding it : The 2 Dua e Qunoot- 2 narration of Dua e Qunoot Dua There is another type of Qunoot called as Qunoot -e-Nazila (It is doing Qunoot in 2nd rakat of Fajr during dire need of the Muslims).

Qunoot of Fajr (Qunoot in 2nd rakat of Fajr habitually).There are 2 types of Dua e Qunoot which are famous. If you look into the books of Duas, you will find 2 Dua e Qunoot. 10 The amount of Qunut -e-Nazila / qunoot al-Nawazl Qunoot during a calamityĭua e Qunoot is usually recited in Witr salah and the Maliki and Shafis read it in Fajr salah too.